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Lutz Chiefs Youth Football and Cheer

2024 Registration



See our FOOTBALL PROGRAM page for program descriptions and season schedules.

2024 Spring 11v11 Tackle Football - CLOSED 
Season runs from late-January through end of April 2024.

2024 Fall Tackle Football (SINGLE AGE TEAMS!) CLOSED
Season runs from June through November (possibly December depending on post-season performance).

5-7 Year-olds - $250
8-13 Year-olds - $300

2024 Fall Learn to Play (ages 3-5) REGISTRATION OPEN 
This program is for new athletes who want to learn to play tackle football without the full contact or competition that is involved with tackle. LTP athletes will learn proper blocking and tackling techniques in practice, and will have light/controlled contact with other players.  It is expected that athletes who complete a season of Learn to Play will attempt to move up to tackle football the following year. Learn to Play athletes will not be issued tackle football equipment; however, they will receive a uniform they will be able to keep at the end of the season.

5 year-olds may choose between our Learn to Play Tackle program and our competitive 6U Tackle Football.

Learn to Play/5U Flag - $100
Full balance due at time of registration.


2024 Spring Cheer Clinic REGISTRATION CLOSED 
2024 All-Year Cheer Registration is OPEN and we're excited to announce our pre-season Clinic!  This clinic is included with your All-Year Cheer Registration, or $50 for 5 sessions to try it out!  The $50 registration fee will go toward your registration if you decide to stick with it.

NEW this year is All-Year Cheer! We are no longer offering a Spring Competition season. 

Important! Before you register, please know you MUST be available to compete at Regionals held Thanksgiving weekend in Orlando.


    Before 3/15/2024     Before 6/1/2024      Before 8/1/2024
Exhibition Cheer (ages 3-4) $300$350$400
Competitive Cheer (ages 5-13*)$400 $450$500

See our Cheer Program page for information regarding divisions, practices and game/competition schedule.


Sibling Discount - $25 off each sibling registration after the first registrant (once per year).

Junior Tiny Mites / LTP / 5-7U Discounts - These age levels are an introduction to tackle football or cheerleading and discounted to encourage athletes' to give the sport a try.

Discounts are automatically applied during registration. 

Scholarships are available


The Lutz Chiefs is a non-profit organization completely run by volunteers. We need your help to make our organization a success. It is expected that parents/guardians will contribute time to the organization throughout the season.  Each athlete’s family is responsible for 2 spring and 3 fall contribution shifts per athlete to be completed prior to the end of the season.  To insure this occurs, the family will provide a $100/$150 (Spring/Fall) deposit check (per athlete) which will only be cashed should the family fail to meet the required shifts.  Once the family has met this requirement, the check will be returned. If you cannot contribute your time, you have the option during registration to buy-out your volunteer obligation.

See the Family Contribution Requirements page for more information about what is expected and how you can help out. 


Included with your registration fees, is the use of a certified NOCSAE football helmet, shoulder pads, practice pants, a practice jersey and game-day uniform(s). This equipment will be fitted and issued to your athlete at the beginning of the season during Equipment Distribution and must be returned after the last game at Equipment Return. 

You must provide a $300 deposit before any equipment/uniform is issued. NO EXCEPTIONS. It is greatly preferred that the equipment deposit be in the form of a check (see the Terms and Conditions during registration for more about credit-card deposit fees). Your deposit check will be returned to you at the end of the season when you return the borrowed equipment. 

It is very important you attend to Equipment Distribution, so mark your calendars! Your athlete will NOT be fitted during practice time and is not allowed to practice without a helmet.

Spring Tackle Equipment Distribution will be held on Saturday, January 20, 2024.  
Fall Tackle Equipment Distribution will be held on Saturday, July 27, 2024.  


You must provide a $100 deposit check before your athlete will receive their cheer competition uniform. You will receive this deposit check back at the conclusion of the season when you return the uniform.


We have strict limits on how many athletes can be on each roster (per Pop Warner) and how many total athletes we can field at our facility (per Hillsborough County); therefore, once a roster is full it will go on a waitlist. 

As long as registration is open, you can still register your athlete for a waitlisted team. No money is due at time of registration. 

Waitlist activations are on a first come first serve basis with priority given to returners, those who live in our exclusive zone, those with active siblings and those who are affiliated with Lutz Baseball/Rangers Soccer/Lutz RISE Flag.

If a spot opens on a roster and you are next in line, you will receive a Waitlist Activation email (sent to the primary registration account). You will have 1-week to pay your registration fees, see the payment deadlines above. If you do not pay the required registration fees within 1-week, your registration will be cancel and the next athlete in line will be activated. 

Cheer Registration

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

Football Registration

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

Email Lists

Email Distribution List

Register for this program to be included on the Weekly Chiefs Report email.

This is for individuals who do NOT have a currently registered child as those account holders are already included in the weekly email list.

Weekly Chiefs Report


Registration Process


Step 1 - Register Online & Pay Fees
(1) Click the REGISTER button at the top of the page or select an item below.
(2) Create an account or login with your existing account.
(3) If you're registering a new athlete, add participant information.
(4) Select the applicable program(s) and complete the questions/waivers.
(5) Sign-up to volunteer as Team Parent or Coach (optional). Please do not proceed with any of the volunteer requirements until your role has been confirmed by the Lutz Chiefs Board. Filling out this form does NOT guarantee you that role. For more information on how you can get involved with Chiefs, click here.
(6) Complete your order by paying registration fees.

Step 2 - Join BAND
This is a very important step! We use the BAND platform for most all of our communication, so its vital for keeping up-to-date regarding registration, practices, games, events, etc. See your registration confirmation email for the invites to our private BAND groups.

Step 3 - Athlete Physical*
Bring your athlete to a qualified physician for a sports physical. See Registration Paperwork for instructions and the  required form. 

*Physical is not required for 2023 YSF Spring Tackle Football

Step 4 - Gather Your Paperwork
You'll need the following documentation turned-in before your athlete will be allowed to participate. 

- 2023 Player/Participant Contract*
- 2023 Physical/Medical Release Form (see above step)*
- Original (or Certified Copy) Birth Certificate (New athletes only)  

See the Registration Paperwork page for more details and links to forms.

*These forms are not required for 2023 YSF Spring Tackle Football; however, you will need e-sign waivers through YSF's League Magic software. Someone from our Compliance Team will send you this link after you register. 

Step 5 -Turn-in Paperwork
Bring the above documents and your $100 volunteer deposit check (if applicable) to a Paperwork Turn-In session (dates/times posted on BAND).

Step 6 - Clearance to Practice
Once all your paperwork and volunteer deposit has been submitted, verified, and your balance paid, your athlete will be cleared to participate. 

If you have any questions regarding the registration process, please send an email to [email protected].

Lutz Chiefs Youth Football and Cheer

656 West Lutz Lake Fern Road 
Lutz, Florida 33548
Phone : 813-777-3144
Email : [email protected]
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