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Lutz Chiefs Youth Football and Cheer


Florida's rainy season runs from May through mid-October. This can and will impact our ability to hold practice. If practice is cancelled due to rainout, a makeup practice will be scheduled. Pay attention to BAND for communication about if practice is delayed or cancelled. DO NOT ASK US IF PRACTICE IS STILL ON! We are always monitoring the weather and will let you know. Again this is Florida, it may be pouring at your house, but sunny at the fields.

We can and WILL practice in rain as long as there is no lightning in the area and the fields aren't overly saturated. Saturated fields aren't a safety issue, but we have to protect the integrity of our grass fields.

Most cheer practices will be delayed/cancelled for heavy rain. It's unsafe to stunt or tumble in super wet conditions.


Parents, DO NOT DROP OFF your athlete if severe weather is in the forecast.  

If lightning is within 5 miles (we have a lightning detector), the practice/game will be suspended. Athletes will need to seek shelter in their parent's vehicle. The concession stand awning is not proper shelter and the Barn is not large enough to accommodate all athletes. Games or practices will resume 30 min after the last lightning strike within 5 miles. 

Coaches are responsible for having a head count of their kids for each practice.  When the FIRST sign of lightning strikes, you MUST head to your vehicle, but DO NOT LEAVE! We will assess timing and either wait it out or call practice. Check BAND for this communication. This is for the safety of our coaches, players and parents.  

Lutz Chiefs Youth Football and Cheer

656 West Lutz Lake Fern Road 
Lutz, Florida 33548
Phone : 813-777-3144
Email : [email protected]
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